Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Problem on the Internet

Is this video an extreme case? Maybe. However I do think it points out a potential danger that lies out there with the Internet. What are we doing as a church to help those caught in the throws of addiction? Might we be on the verge of a hidden epidemic? The dangers appear to be real.

I don't want to share this as some sort of scare tactic or to pronounce that the sky is falling. There are lots of great things about the Internet. There are lots of people that surf the world wide web without problem. Yet there are people who are struggling, and consequently I think we are called to help. I want us to find a way to be able to safely dialog about these kinds of things without immediately damning.

I honestly don't know what it will take for us to get to place where it will feel safe to ask for help. I honestly don't know what we can do to help as a church. I do think we need to do something. Maybe we can begin a discussion here... somewhere.

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