Monday, March 31, 2008

A Hero of Mine

If we were playing a mixer type game and you asked me something like, "If there were one person dead or alive that you would like to have dinner with who would it be?" I just might answer it with Mike Yaconelli. He was a youth ministry "guru" for years. He had a way of looking at the world, the church, in way that is completely upside down from the way most of us look at it... and I think he was dead on! Below is a tribute video created (as I understand it) shortly after he died a few years ago. (I just recently found it online.) It is a little long, but I think it's well worth watching. I pray that there are a few comments that get you excited about Jesus, since that's really what it's all about.

1 comment:

Pastor Eric said...

AWESOME VIDEO! Thanks for sharing. I remember a bunch of those talks at Youth Specialty conventions. Mike was quite a guy.