Thursday, December 29, 2005
Matthew 2
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Luke 1:39-80
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Luke 1:1-38
We read that Mary pondered these things. When we read this the temptation is to picture something like a monk or a nun pondering the greatness of God. Perhaps that is what she was doing. However, my hunch is the ponderings were more along the lines of, "YIKES!!! What the %@$&?!!!" First of all an angel has just spoken to her. I don't think angels are like the serene figurines we find in book stores, because every time they show up in the bible they have to start with, "Fear not!" These people were scared to the point of needing to clean their undergarments. Second, Mary was just told that as a virgin she was going to have a baby and on top of that this baby is the son of God. That sounds to me like a huge, impossible responsibility. Yet, through her fear she discovers that there is enough faith to accept this calling set before her by Gabriel, by God.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Romans 9:25-33
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Romans 9:14-24
Monday, December 19, 2005
Romans 9:6-13
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Romans 9:1-5
Of course, on the other hand we sometimes feel like Col. Jessup played by Jack Nicholson in "A Few Good Men" when he makes that famous impassioned speech that begins with, "You can't HANDLE the Truth!!" And he's right, sometimes the truth is too much, we don't want to hear it. Who wants to hear that a loved one has been diagnosed with terminal cancer or been killed in a car accident. Honestly, who can handle it? What if the truth is God wants you to love your gay cousin, despite you believing it is wrong and sinful? What if the truth is God wants you to love and support George W. Bush, even though you think our being in Iraq is despicable? What if?...
The truth is hard. The truth is often hard to come by. The truth is often hard to handle. The truth is God loves us desperately.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Romans 8:31-39
... Perhaps some of you parents know what Paul is talking about. No matter what your kids do to drive you nuts, to hurt you, and so on and so forth, you still can't help but love them. Hard to imagine anyone could love that much, but we do and God does so much more.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Shopper's Psalm
"A Shopper's Psalm"
I'm weary, Lord.
Bone tired.
In spite of the fact that my shopping's half done I need to crash.
The crush
of the crowd has gotten to me.
So, too, the deafening sounds
of a pre-Christmas city
throbbing with incarnate greed.
I need to be reminded
that this season's more
than plastic Santas,
perpetual sales,
and Muzak.
I need back
on the track
of reflection.
I've derailed, Lord.
My emotional fuel is leaking.
I'm about to explode.
And then I see it.
A miniature creche
in a gift shop window.
A guardian father;
a grateful young mom;
a baby asleep on the hay.
A trio maintaining their harmony
despite the dis-chord all around them.
And with my nose pressed against the frosted pane my inner pain subsides.
At once I am rested,
renewed, and revived.
And I linger
and ponder
God's peace.
By Greg Asimakoupoulous
God's Grace at Work
"Anne Lamott, author of the wonderful book Traveling Mercies tells of how in her church babies get passed around the moment they're brought into the sanctuary - everyone takes care of everyone else's babies. Every baby instantly has more parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles than he ever knew.
Imagine what that teaches children about Christian community! What they learn about love even as infants! For the adults everyone gets a chance to remember the miracle of birth, God's hand in our human being.
If there is a heresy today it is that we're so preoccupied with other things that we fail to pay attention to the fact of God's spectacular grace at work in and through our humanity, God's miraculous unmerited love in evidence around us. God's Son born to bring us Second Birth while we labor under the assumption that we have to do it all ourselves."
Peter Buehler, With God Nothing Is Impossible
Romans 8:28-30
I also like this notion that ALL are called and ALL are equipped for ministry. It's easy to come up with excuses as to why I can't be involved. When I was a kid at the top of the list was, "We have a pastor to do that." The truth is ALL of us are called to be ministers. The truth is God will, and does, equip you for the ministry to which you are called.
Thanks be to God!!
Romans 8:28-30
I also like this notion that ALL are called and ALL are equipped for ministry. It's easy to come up with excuses as to why I can't be involved. When I was a kid at the top of the list was, "We have a pastor to do that." The truth is ALL of us are called to be ministers. The truth is God will, and does, equip you for the ministry to which you are called.
Thanks be to God!!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Romans 8:26-27
"The Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words." What a wonderful turn of phrase that is. I get a vision of the Spirit that looks almost like a deep sea diver, plunging to the very depths of my heart to discover what is truly there only to plunge even further into the depths of God's heart to plant those worries, concerns, and cares. While there I see the spirit mining bits and pieces of God's immense love to bring back and deposit in my heart. This brings great hope and reassurance for me. The Holy Spirit is able to communicate with God those things that are just beyond words, the Spirit speaks when I am simply unable... What a blessing!!!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Romans 8:10-25
How can you read Paul and still think it's all about you?
Because we wait with Hope during this Advent season, we can do so with patience. Paul even says so.
I've recently had a couple of friends have babies. One had terrible long labor pains. Somehow, because of that, this section sounded a little different to me today.
Verse 18 reminds me of our reading from 1 Thessalonians this coming Sunday and our call to be thankful IN all things.... note that is IN all things and not FOR all things.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Romans 8:1-9
Romans 8:1-9
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Romans 7:14-25
That aside, I think Paul is getting at something kind of juicy here. I've had a notion for a while that sin is kind of like an addiction. Just like an alcoholic knows that more drinking is going to be bad for him, will destroy the liver, etc., we also know that continuing to act in sin is bad for us. Yet both of us end up doing what we shouldn't. It seems we just can't help ourselves. Part of the problem is in many ways it feels good in the moment. To cuss out the car that cut you off on the road feels good at the time as it relieves stress. To have sex outside of marriage feels good in the moment. To pass on some juicy gossip about a neighbor feels good at the time. To dig into your job to the point of neglect towards family and/or worship feels good as you see how much your accomplishing. Of course sin feels good, or else I don't think we would be tempted by it. The problem is the price you pay later. Is it really worth the price? No! Do go ahead and do it anyway? Quite often.
There is good news from Paul, though. He reminds us that this "addiction" is really only of the flesh, the earthly portion of us. One day that will die away. Yet, when it comes to eternal, spiritual, matters God is fully in control of that portion of your life. Gracias a Dios! Thanks be to God!!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Romans 7:7-13
What do you make of what Paul is saying here in Romans 7?
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Prepare the Way
The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As it is written in the prophet Isaiah, "See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way; the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: "Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight,' " John the baptizer appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. ~Mark 1:1-4
Monday, November 28, 2005
Romans 7:1-6
What is binding you today? Where do you find freedom? What do you think about Paul's analogy?
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Romans 6:11-23
What I appreciate is that Paul appears to suggest this is perhaps normal. My impression is that what Paul is saying is that while we are now slaves to righteousness doesn't mean we don't slip over to our old sinful habits every now and again. In the end, because of Jesus, we are forgiven. That sounds good to me. Something, most certainly, to be thankful for.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Just a Minute
Puffy white clouds rolled by and he pondered their shape. Soon, he began to think about God.
"God? Are you really there?" Jimmy said out loud. To his astonishment a voice came from the clouds. "Yes, Jimmy? What can I do for you?" Seizing the opportunity, Jimmy asked, "God? What is a million years like to you?"
Knowing that Jimmy could not understand the concept of infinity, God responded in a manner to which Jimmy could relate. "A million years to me, Jimmy, is like a minute."
"Oh," said Jimmy. "Well, then, what's a million dollars like to you?" "A million dollars to me, Jimmy, is like a penny."
"Wow!" remarked Jimmy, getting an idea. "You're so generous... can I have one of your pennies?"
God replied, "Sure thing, Jimmy! Just a minute."
Romans 6:1-10
Monday, November 21, 2005
Romans 5:15-21
1) Looking at verse 18, if sin came into the world through one person and one person brought justification into the world, how much can my actions (just one lowly person) effect the whole world? I'm not saying that I'm any where near the level of Jesus, or eve Adam for that matter. However, if God worked both of those things through just one person, How much might God work through me? Or you?
2) Verse 20 is something that really struck me today. It is so easy to see what goes wrong that we often miss the good that comes along with it. It's kind of like watching the news at night. We get plenty of images and stories about what went wrong, but what about all of the good things that happened today? This summer the youth are traveling to Lynn, MA (rough part of the Boston area) for a service trip. What we hear about Lynn is the crime, the poverty, the gangs...the things that are bad, we hear about sin abounding there. What about all of the good people that live there that are raising families, that are loving their neighbor no matter what? What about those families?
Where do you see grace abounding in your life today?
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Romans 5:1-5
In verse 3 Paul encourages us to rejoice in our suffering. Perhaps this is even where, "No Pain, No Gain" started. In some ways this section sounds to me like a rehashing of the beatitudes. I hate when character is being built. It's usually painful and difficult. Yet, when all is said and done I'm grateful for the hope that it has produced.
So it seems when suffering, difficult times, come along in our life we do have a choice. We can ignore it or run away, but it's still there. We can fight it, but that seems only to irritate it and make the suffering worse. We can embrace it, like Paul encourages us and in so doing we find hope. So go ahead and embrace your suffering, and those who are suffering around you.
QUESTIONS: How do we embrace our suffering while avoiding to seek suffering? (I think there are those who read a passage like this and then try and find ways to suffer. I don't think that is what Paul is encouraging.) How do you tell the difference, especially in the heat of the moment, between a good suffering (pain) and a bad suffering (pain)? Where have you seen suffering produce endurance produce character produce hope in your life?
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
The Animals in Heaven
and the poem:
The Animals in Heaven
The animals in Heaven never fight
The animals in Heaven don't bite
The animals in Heaven roam wild and free
And when humans come near they don't need to flee
The animals in Heaven would never hurt me!
The lion and lamb graze together
The people that sinned are healed forever
Back on earth, animals will roar and people will sing
When Jesus Christ becomes the King.
Romans 4:15-25...a prayer
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Romans 4:1-14
I pray today that I might live those promises given to me by God at birth, through my baptism. That I might know them in a real way. That we all may know them in a real way. That we may no longer be bound by the law, but be free to live beyond the law.
My question for today is, what does this say about our baptism? Has God chosen us before our baptism, just as God chose Abraham before his circumcision? If that is the case, how does that challenge our understanding of what is happening in the sacrament?
Monday, November 14, 2005
Romans 3:19-31
All that being said, my prayer today is that I, we, would know the kind of faith that Paul is talking about here in Romans. That we would know a faith that frees us to live unencumbered by the law. That we would know a faith that frees us to live life rich and to it's fullest. I pray that we would know it in such a way that we would live it.
Flight Plan
As the week has gone on there is something about it, though, that has kind of struck me. If you haven't seen it you may have at least seen that the basic plot of the movie is that a mother and daughter enter a plane and somehow during the flight the little girl goes missing. It is amazing, really, with what tenacity the mother continues to search and hunt for her daughter. She is unwilling to let anything stop her. It is a powerful testimony to the kind of love a parent has for a child. How much more is our heavenly father willing to search for us when we go missing, when we wander away spiritually speaking? It reminds me a little of Luke 15. I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty cool.