Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sweet Relief

I tend to be the kind of person who doesn't really care about money. I've come to learn that my dislike for money largely rises out of the realization that money just seems to cause stress and anxiety... and I don't like those kinds of things. I've been trying to remind myself that the house not selling back in MN is "just money" and that there are more important things in life. I think I was doing pretty good with it, but then this last weekend we got an offer on the house that we're accepting. We're going to take quite the financial loss (at least for us it's pretty significant), but we're pretty sure it's worth the relief that we feel. Our start here in Rome has been great, which reassures us that we've come to the right place in trying to follow God's call. We'll still need to make a few more mortgage payments towards a house we're not using, but with paperwork signed it is much easier to say, "It's just money" because we are feeling a sweet relief this week.

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