Thursday, March 16, 2006

Buddy Jesus

So today's chapter made me think about the movie, "Dogma" and the introduction of Buddy Jesus. It makes me a little nervous, sometimes to hear this talk of God wanting to be your friend. Oh, I suppose there is some truth to it, but I think that is only one side of things. It is true that is about a relationship, so I can go with that. However, I think it something deeper than a friendship... Maybe I'm wrong here.

I was struck by the thoughts on prayer. I think it is a great struggle to pray continuously. It makes me think of the line from the Steven Curtis Chapman song that says, "Just because I say, 'Amen' doesn't mean this conversation has to end."... of something like that. The suggestion from Brother Lawrence to pray lots of shorts prayers instead of one long rambling one was beautiful. So go ahead and pray. In fact, go ahead and make your whole life a prayer. It's good communication to build a deep and loving relationship with your creator, redeemer, and savior.

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