Monday, February 02, 2009


Today we'll see on a number of news programs a big deal made about Puxatony Phil seeing his shadow and what sort of implications that will have on our winter. It is kind of a fun tradition, although having lived most of my life in MN and now in WI it also seems a little silly. Honestly? We'll have at least six more weeks of winter. We are nowhere near being done.

Last year, with Lent beginning so early, it was even more appropriate though. You see this annual tradition reminds me of another shadow as well, the shadow of the cross. As Christians we live in the shadow of the cross. During the season of Lent we are intensely aware of that, but in reality it is all year round that we live below the shadow of the cross. It is what Christ did for us on the cross that shapes who we are, what we do, and how we see the world. It is the great irony of the faith that in the cross, in death, that we find life. We must ultimately die to our old selves so that we may be raised again to new life in Christ.

To live in the shadow of the cross is to know that it is all about Jesus. To live in the shadow of the cross is to be reminded that there is suffering in this life and that God walks with us in that suffering, that where there is suffering there is God. To live in the shadow of the cross is to be called to love and serve our neighbor. To live in the shadow of the cross is to live in the reality of life; even when it might be stark, harsh, or difficult; a reality that is grounded in love.

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