Saturday, September 29, 2007


I've been writing in this blog for some time now. I was hoping that over time it might become somewhat of a dialog, thinking about matters of faith. That hasn't become the case as the comments remain largely empty. It's okay, but I don't have a chance to know if people are reading or not. As I move forward I would be curious to know if I am writing for myself or if others are checking in from time to time. If you are reading this, I could appreciate you clicking on the "comment" link below and letting me know. Thanks!


Carrie said...

I read! Even though I don't live near, I appreciate your Christian outlook. I also enjoy reading a fellow Lutheran's blog! :)

Anonymous said...

the internet is a funny place,. You usually never know just how far it reaches, or who is perhaps touched or challenged by something said, but I encourage you to trust my friend. Just a little food for thought, perhaps leaving a challenge at the end or something that encourages a response?

~A former Visalian who took a plunge and ended up in Chicagoland.

pb said...

"Chicago Girl" you really should send me an e-mail so we can exchange a few notes and catch up briefly.

Davidx7 said...

I was at faith907 and followed you here. Isaiah 54:4 Do not be afraid, you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace, you will not be humiliatded.