Thursday, July 26, 2007


Last night I attended dinner and worship at Our Savior's Lutheran in Rochester. While sitting around dinner we talked to three different families that were touched by death this past week. It was a tough week around there this past week. There was a glimpse of darkness as we spoke of these deaths. At the same time these were some people of great faith, so there was also a feeling and a sense of hope. Isn't it amazing how faith can sustain us in our moments of darkness?

I might be a little strange, but I love the lament psalms. I just like what I would call their gritty grasp of reality. They voice their complaints and hurts to God, but it seems they always come around to praising God. When it gets down to it what else do we need besides God? They have incredible points of complex reality like in Psalm 42 when it's believed David was writing in the darkness of his life, "The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me—a prayer to the God of my life"

When darkness strikes your life and it feels like night, know that God's song is with you... a prayer when you have no words.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments. I agree with you in that it's not about us, but about what God is doing and we can't fool ourselves into thinking we have the power.

Anonymous said...

oops...I posted under the wrong day! The above comment goes with the next day's blog.

pb said...

It is tempting, though, isn't it to start thinking we HAVE to do certain things? Really? I think when we do that we are beginning to make ourselves more important than God (not the intention, but I think the implication).