Thursday, April 20, 2006


So Lent and Holy Week seem to have gotten the best of me spiritually, in some ways. In some ways it was so wonderfully filling. I enjoyed our worship time, the dramas, and all of the other festivities. However, it also left me drained. You may have noticed my postings dropped off. I just didn't have anything to say. Trying to read a devotional of some sort was more energy than I could muster, and I'm still struggling to find that energy. Thankfully I've been able to cling to prayer, and that has sustained me. God continues to work and to fill me in surprising ways. I am grateful for the "refills", but I'm not a fan of these such spiritual dry spells which seem to be a part of life. As I get back to "The Purpose Driven Life" I will return to sharing more of my thoughts. Until then we'll continue praying, and perhaps you could share some of your thoughts by clicking on the comment link at the bottom of the post.

Christ is Risen!
He is Risen Indeed!!